SACT 2025


Workshop on software assessment and copyright technology(SACT 2025)

Hosted by KSAVS(Korea Software Assessment and Valuation Society)

The Korea Software Assessment and Valuation Society is an academic institution that promotes the academic development and friendship of its members by developing and sharing software evaluation techniques applicable to copyright protection. Members respect the value of research by complying with research ethics in academic research and presentation and contribute to the academic advancement of software evaluation techniques for copyright protection and plagiarism prevention for software developers. Research results on technologies that identify copyright infringement, such as software appraisal techniques and plagiarism, are selected through rigorous screening, and strict ethical regulations are followed to achieve the purpose of the association.

Copyright appraisal is the task of determining the similarity between the original developer’s work and the work suspected of being copied. For fair and objective verification, the original developer and the suspect’s target must be submitted.
However, situations often arise where one-to-one comparison is difficult due to the suspect’s insincere submission of data. In particular, in the case of objects related to hardware, circuit diagrams, PCB Gerber files, and parts lists that constitute the system must be submitted, but only systems consisting of finished products are submitted, making structural comparison difficult. In order to protect the rights of copyright developers, we hold events for mutual exchange through workshops on research results such as comparative techniques and techniques to prevent illegal use of copyright.

On coming this workshop, we would like to share the research results to provide effective technology through software copyright protection workshop.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Software assessment law, system, and policy
  • SW intellectual property rights
  • litigation system
  • Intellectual property assessment
  • SW intellectual property policy
  • Software assessment-based technology
  • System comparative analysis
  • digital content technology
  • SW service and training

Submission Deadline: Oct.31.2024, Dec. 15, 2024

Submission link: Click